The view you see when you first open the app is intentionally very simple, but hidden away are many more features. To access these, click on the last, Settings, button on the top bar: . This will reveal a set of four tabs: Factors, Links, Network and Analysis, with the Factors tab open.
The panel showing the tabs can moved across the network pane: drag it using the thin black strip at the top of the panel above the tab buttons. This can be useful if the panel gets in the way of seeing the network.
There are 9 sample styles for how factors can look. If you select a factor from the network and then click on one of the 9 styles, the factor will change to resemble the style. As a short cut, if you click on the 'Select all factors' button at the bottom, and then click on a style, all the factors will change to the chosen style.
Double clicking on any of the 9 styles opens a dialog box to change the style:
There are options to change the colour of the background (the 'fill'), the border and the font, to change the shape, for example to a rectangle or a circle, to change the border from solid to dashed or dotted or none, and to change the font size of the label. Clicking on the padlock symbol will lock all the factors with this style; clicking on it again will unlock them all. The Size slider adjusts the relative size of the factors. Moving the dot on the slider to the far left sets the factors to their normal size, and moving it to the right makes the factors bigger.
Clicking on one of the coloured circles ('colour wells') brings up a dialog to choose a colour.
The upper circle can be used to adjust the colour. The upper slider varies the darkness of the colour and the lower slider adjusts the transparency (the 'alpha' value). The bottom squares record the last eight colours used - you can click on one of these to restore that specific colour.
If you right click (or CTRL click) on one of the style samples, there is a menu with which you can either select all the factors that have that style, or hide all those factors from view.
You can also change the name of the style. If you do so, this name will appear on the network pane as one item in the 'legend'. So, for example, if you had some factors that are Activities, some that are Change mechanisms, some Outcomes and some Impacts, you could give four of the styles these names, colour their fills red, orange, yellow and blue, and then apply these styles to the appropriate factors in the network. The legend will be automatically displayed on the network pane:
The legend can be moved by dragging the top of the Legend pane.
The Links tab is very similar to the Factors tab, except that it relates to the links. There are 9 link styles and each of these can be changed by double clicking the link style. There are options to change the colour of the link, whether it has an arrow at the end, whether it is solid, dashed or dotted, and to add a link label.
The Network tab enables you to change many aspects of the network visualisation and what is shown in the window.
On the Network tab, there are controls for:
It is sometimes useful to get PRSM to arrange factors using an automatic procedure and then adjust their positions manually to achieve the desired placement. PRSM provides several layout algorithms:
There is no best layout algorithm that works for all networks; you need to see which one looks good for your map. If you don't like the effect of an algorithm, you can choose another one, or use the Undo button on the top bar to revert the map to its original layout.
The Analysis tab allows you to view portions of the map and to cluster factors to help with the analysis of the network (see the Analysis section for help on how this can be useful).
The panel is divided into five sections:
Show only neighbouring Factors If you first select a factor (or several factors) and then one of these options, all factors in the network will be hidden, except for those 1, 2, or 3 links away from the selected factor(s). This is useful when you want to focus on just one part of a large network.
Show only up or downstream Factors If you first select a factor (or several factors) and then one of these options, all factors in the network will be hidden, except for those 'downstream' (i.e. linked to the selected factor(s) by following links directed away from those factor(s)), or those 'upstream' (i.e. linked to the selected factor(s) by following links directed towards those factor(s)).
Show paths between If you first select at least two factors, and then
For both these options, all the selected factors in turn are used as the starting point for the paths, and all other factors are used as the end points. For example, if factors A, B and C are selected, paths from A to B, A, to C, B to A, B to C , C to A and C to B will be shown (if they exist). This has the incidental use of identifying 'loops' that could indicate feedbacks. If there is a path from A to B and a path from B to A, the effect of A on B will feedback on A.
Here is an example. The first is the original network.
The second is the same network with Show all paths between Factors 1 and 7.
The third is the same network with Show shortest path between Factors 1 and 7.
The above three options can be combined. For example, the shortest path between two Factors option may display two paths: one with a couple of links and another feedback path going in the reverse direction that winds around the map and includes many links. Because it consists of many links, the latter path may not be of much interest. Choosing both Show Shortest path and Show only Factors 2 links away will display just the direct path.
Size Factors to This is used to change the size of the factors to be proportional to one of a set of metrics: the number of inputs (the 'in-degree'), the number of outputs (the 'out-degree'), the leverage (ratio of outputs to inputs), or the betweenness centrality. Note that the factors are always drawn large enough to accommodate their labels, and so the size may not be exactly proportional to the metric. The values of leverage and betweenness centrality of a factor are shown in its Notes panel.
Cluster With large maps, it is sometimes useful to aggregate factors into groups, thus displaying the map at a higher level of abstraction. For example, all the factors relating to the effect of climate change might be replaced on the map by one 'Climate Change Cluster' factor, and similarly, all the factors concerned with transport replaced by one Transport factor. Links that used to go to factors outside the cluster are replaced by links that go to the new Cluster factor (and likewise for links that go from the clustered factors to factors outside the cluster).
For example, here is a simple map before clustering:
and here is the same map after clustering by Style:
Links to and from cluster factors are labelled with the number of links that they aggregate.
Clustering is done according to the values of the clustering attribute - all factors with the same value for this attribute are joined into the same cluster. The Cluster pulldown menu offers as standard, Style (i.e. the factors' style as set in the Factors tab and Colour (i.e. the colour of the factors' backgrounds) as possible attributes with which to cluster. In addition, bespoke attributes can be used by creating a new column in the Data View and giving each factor a value there (see the section on the Data View for how to create attributes). These additional attributes are automatically added to the Cluster pull-down menu when they are created.
Once the map has been clustered, a cluster factor can be 'unclustered' (its component factors revealed) by right (CTRL) clicking it, and reclustered by right (CTRL) clicking any of the component factors. To uncluster the map as a whole, select None from the Cluster pull-down menu.